At first blush, you might think retirement advice aimed at a 65-year-old divorced
woman doesn't apply to you. But even if you're not in that category, "Janet's"
circumstances are typical for many women in her situation, and maybe someone
you know is in a similar spot. And regardless of your sex or whether you're
happily married or have never been, her story offers guidance that can help
anyone approaching retirement with less-than-perfect resources.
Janet was a stay-at-home mom until age 45, when she and her husband divorced
after a 20-year marriage. She has been working full-time since then, although she
doesn't have very much money saved for retirement. Her primary source of
income in future years will come from working and from Social Security.
She's in a tough situation -- no use sugar-coating her circumstances. But she can
definitely improve her financial security in her retirement years. Let's take a look.
[From Bob's Library]